Our summer is off to a busy start, how about you? We puppy sat last week, that was a lot of fun. We were spoiled with Mickie, since she was older she didn't have as much energy as she did as a pup. Milo (Sherry's dog) reminded us just how much energy a puppy can have! He was here about 10 minutes and had already found the only mud puddle in the yard. He decided to roll around and then lay in it. He joined me while I watered the flowers and garden by walking in the trenches I had just filled with water. I'm sure his memory of me is holding a bucket full of water and a towel! Since Mickie has been gone I have had to sweep the kitchen floor more often, I never realized how much she helped me. Milo took over that chore for her, one I'm sure he didn't mind. It was nice having a dog in the house again, the kids kept asking me, "When are we getting our own dog?, we need another one!" I am enjoying my break of animals right now, I have been caring for a pet for the past 16 years. Given all I have been dealt with the past couple of years, I need to lighten my load a bit. I definitely do want another dog, I LOVE dogs, but now is not the time. I told the kids maybe in a year, my heart needs to heal.
Helen started summer school this week, we dropped her off on the first day so we could meet the teacher. We ran into a couple of her old teachers from two years ago, they couldn't believe how grown up she looked. One of them was the assistant that adored Helen, she would always refer to her as "my girl". I feel better knowing they are there. Today is the last day of Bible Camp for the other kids, they are putting on a show. They have been practicing for the past couple of days. I was making beds in the girls room yesterday when Helen came in, turned on the music, and started doing the routine. I hope she will be okay when we go see the show, she may start singing and dancing in her seat!
Over the week-end I volunteered at the Greek Festival, I worked in the food line passing out spanikopita(spinach pie), and tiropita(feta cheese pie). It was my first time being a part of the fest, I had a good time. Peter used to work at the festivals whenever he could. I remember one year he put so much time in, we barely saw him for a week. He loved doing it that year because he was able to get to know the new priest better. He began going to church every Sunday, and became more involved. The only problem was, he was "snubbed" by his church because he was married outside of it (we were married in the Catholic Church). He asked me if I would get married in his church so he could once again be a member. We had planned on having a ceremony with just us, the kids, and our witnesses, after I had baby number 5. We never got around to it, something always came up. We were finally married in his faith when he was in the hospital, 5 days before he died, he slept right through it. He was able to receive confession, communion, and a beautiful Greek Orthodox funeral. That was almost two years ago...
Enjoy your summer!
Until next time-
Take Care,
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