Grace, Noah, and I were on the Milwaukee news last night! Our city had a special election yesterday for a new mayor, we went and voted. Noah ran in ahead of Grace and I, as soon as we walked in I saw a TV camera pointing right at him. While we walked, it followed us. When we got to the table and I gave the people my name, I mentioned the camera. I was told, "That's what happens when you walk in with such cute kids." I just laughed, thinking it was the local station. I received my ballot and headed to the nearest booth to vote, as the camera followed our every move. When I went to put my ballot into the machine, I got a little nervous and missed the slot, not once, but twice. You know what I was thinking? Is that camera reading who I voted for!?!! (Yes, I am
sooo much like my mom!) We got our stickers and headed out the door. I was getting the kids in the car when this very nicely dressed woman got my attention. As she walked closer I recognized her as one of the morning anchors for the early morning news. Ding, ding, ding...
OMG!!! The camera that had followed our every move was for ABC in Milwaukee. She approached me and said, "I saw this young woman with two kids and so I had to talk to you." She then started asking me questions about the election, I was glad when it was over. I told her to feel free not use me, I had no make-up on, Grace and Noah were running around a car, and I thought I sounded stupid. It was a lot harder than I thought! I then told her that I watched her every morning while getting ready to take the kids to school. It was a very pleasant conversation, that part I enjoyed. At 6:00pm, we were on the news! She did a very nice job at putting the segment together, I don't think I sounded stupid, she used the best part. She had interviewed other people, and even took a walk in our downtown, talking about how the unemployment rate has hit us hard. We were on at the end, she talked about how I'm a single mom with six kids, trying to make a fresh start. So I'm using my vote to voice my opinion, as she is saying that, they show me putting my ballot in the machine (remember, it took three tries!). I had a few people tell me today they saw me on TV. One of the lunch mom's said jokingly, "So I hear your yesterday's news!" HA
I am writing this on Wednesday night because very early tomorrow morning I am taking Katie for her surgery. Please keep us in your prayers.
Until next time-
Take Care,
UPDATE: Katie's surgery went well, it took three stitches to close the hole, six knots in every stitch. She is doing awesome...thank you for your prayers.
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