Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Eve, Eve
We are ready for the holiday to begin, the only thing we have left to do is clean the house so Santa doesn't trip on anything while putting presents under the tree. Thank you Santa, my kids have never been so eager to help clean the house before. It only took me saying, "You wouldn't want Santa to hurt himself while at our house, then he couldn't deliver gifts to other boys and girls. We would be all over the news as the family that stole Christmas!" We baked yesterday, actually, we made more things on top of the stove, than in it. My goodies are "kid" friendly...scotcharoos, rice krispie balls, fudge, and some cookies. I remember when I was younger I would make a ton of holiday cookies. That was before I had kids and instead, had my mom's influence as to what her favorites were!
Sherry, myself, and our families, would like to wish all of you a very joyous holiday season!!
Until next time-
Take Care,
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Where Does The Time Go?
I got a call from Helen's teacher today, her Christmas program was cancelled due to the music teacher not getting it organized in time. I felt bad for Helen, she was really looking forward to it. She was talking with her teacher about it, that's why she called me. It's actually a good thing, we're in the middle of a snowstorm. I don't like driving in this weather. Tomorrow is the Christmas concert for the other kids, they are very excited. I'm looking forward to it, I really enjoy the kid's programs. When I told the other kids Helen's program was cancelled, they all said, "Oh, poor Helen, she was really excited about it!" Now she can't wait until Christmas Eve so she can wear her new dress. She wanted to wear it to school and got mad at me when I told her no.
This time of year is always difficult, one day at a time...
Until next time-
Take Care,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Time Flies

Monday, November 1, 2010
Until next time-
Take Care,
Thursday, October 21, 2010
New Routine
Until next time-
Take Care,
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Soup and Salad
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Field Trips
Until next time-
Take Care,
Monday, September 20, 2010
Writer's Block...I Wish
Take Care,
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Room
Although I thought I was ready, I still couldn't go in. I sat down on one of the chairs that were lined up against the wall. My mind wondered...I don't remember chairs being outside his room, when did they show up? It must have been earlier when a lot of people came to say their good-bye's. My niece Amanda (Peter's side of the family) came and sat down by me. I wondered what was going through her mind; does she know what to say to me? Can she tell I'm screaming on the inside about how unfair life is right now? I look at her with tears in my eyes, I can see how sad she is when we make eye contact. I tell her, "He's no longer here, he's gone." She just nods and agrees, and that's all we say to each other. I don't know if she understood what I meant, I could no longer feel him with me. It's still very strange to me that I felt that so strongly. While sitting in the hallway my sister-in-law Lily came and told me my brother Rick and his wife Anne Marie were on their way up. They had been out of town and had no idea what had just happened.
I got up from my chair, not saying a word and headed towards the elevator. About half way down the long corridor, I ran to the elevators and waited, pacing back and forth. I leaned against the wall and just sank until my backside almost touched the ground. It felt like it took hours for them to walk out of the elevator. They must have seen it on my face because the first thing my brother said to me was, "Oh Susie...I'm sorry." He gave me a big hug, and then Anne Marie did the same. We started to walk towards the room as I filled them in on everything that had happened in the past couple of days.
Until next time-
Take Care,
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Orlando 2010
Until next time-
Take Care,
Friday, July 9, 2010
Summer 2010
I hope everyone enjoyed their Fourth of July, we did. I had family over for a cook-out and then the kids and I went to watch fireworks. We go to the same place every year, right on the lakefront. There is nothing like watching fireworks explode over one of the great lakes. One year Peter and I were in Colorado for the Fourth of July, and I must say, watching fireworks light up against the mountains comes close! Helen loved watching all the colors, she would tell us the colors just in case we didn't see them.
It's been hot and humid around here lately, the kids have been spending time indoors. They are just like me, I don't do well in this kind of weather, it makes me feel a little sick. They go and play on the swings for about ten minutes, and then they're done. When in the pool, they last about a half hour, well, except Helen, she's in for a long little fish!!
Until next time-
Take Care,
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Car Trouble...Again
Until next time-
Take Care,
Friday, June 18, 2010
Helen's Last Day

Friday, June 4, 2010
Let The Summer Begin
Robbie had a black spot near the area where he had his birthmark removed over a year ago. I thought it could possibly be a tick since he had been camping recently. When I rubbed my hand over it I could feel a piece of it sticking out. In fact, that's how I found it in the first place. I was putting sunscreen on him for the school picnic and felt it. It looked like the tick had embedded itself into his skin. I made an appointment for him the next day at the doctor, if it were a tick, we needed a professional to remove it! It took two seconds for the doctor to tell me, "It's NOT a tick." I kept asking him, "Are you sure?" I guess I thought he didn't get a good enough look at it. According to the doctor, it's a stitch that either didn't get removed, or never dissolved. The body didn't recognize it, so it's trying to kick it out. It's slowly working it's way out, and it's not looking very pretty in the process. We're keeping an eye on it.
Katie played her first softball game of the season the other night, it was called because of the rain. I started to feel a few drops as soon as the game began. Katie's team was up first, she was next up when the player before her made the third out. Katie wasn't very pleased, until someone pointed out to her that she would be the first one up when they batted again. I kept saying, "Please let Katie bat before the rain falls, please let Katie bat..." She got up to bat, hit the ball from her coaches pitch, and made it to base! By this time, the rain was falling harder, Helen went to the car, she was the smart one. When it started coming down even more, I went to get my umbrella, it really didn't look like they were going to call the game. As I was coming back from my car, I saw the teams lining up to give high fives, they had finally stopped the game. Once everyone was in their cars and heading out of the parking lot, the skies opened up and it came down in buckets. Thank goodness we were in the car!! Hopefully we won't experience that again this season!
Until next time-
Take Care,
Friday, May 28, 2010
Catching Up
Noah turned 5 yesterday, I can't believe how big he has gotten. We had a party for him last week-end, he thought once you have a party then you turn a year older. I told him his actual birthday was on Thursday, he told me, "Then I'll be 6!" I took him to the toy store and then out for lunch after. I think lunch was more for me than him! I won't have many opportunities to have him alone once school is out. Next year he will be in Kindergarten all day, along with the other kids. I think I'm going to go through an adjustment period, but when that's over, I know I will enjoy having them all in school!! He had preschool graduation today, he told me, "Mom, you know I'm big now, I'm in bigger preschool now!" I said, "You mean Kindergarten?" He said, "Yeah, big kid school." How cute is that!?!!
This holiday week-end we are cleaning up the backyard and getting everything ready for planting. The kids keep asking me to put the pool up, so that's definitely on the to do list. I usually have my flowers planted by now, but the weather has been so crazy in the past that I thought I'd wait a few extra weeks before planting this year. In the past I really thought I would loose the flowers because it got so cold. We have had beautiful weather this week I'm starting to doubt my decision...oh well, they'll get planted soon enough. I hope all of you have a happy and safe Memorial Day week-end.
Until next time-
Take Care,
Friday, May 14, 2010
A Perfect Fit
Ted is off on a Boy Scout camping trip this week-end, and Robbie leaves tomorrow for camping with his best friend. Tomorrow night is going to be girls night with Noah!! I'm trying to think of something special we can do without spending a lot of money...any suggestions?
Until next time-
Take Care,
Friday, May 7, 2010
First Communion

I made an appointment for Monday to look at Helen's new school for next year. I have been waiting for her teachers to let me know when we were going. The original plan was for all of us to go together and check it out, but that never happened. With only a month left of school, I thought I better get over there and get to know the teacher and school. She sounds very nice, and is looking forward to meeting me. Hopefully all will go well, and it will be a perfect fit for Helen. I have her IEP meeting coming up in a week, I hate going to those meetings. I go in thinking she's doing awesome, and then BAM...I hear the stories of how she has been misbehaving, I hate that! I know she has been acting up lately, she always does at this time of year. I think she is done with school and needs a few weeks off. She will definitely look forward to summer school, she always does. She's just had enough of the regular school year. Not much longer I tell her, I'm hoping she hangs in there.
Until next time-
Take Care,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Making Communion Hosts

Friday, April 9, 2010
The kids have been on Spring Break this week. I had so many plans of things I was going to get done around the didn't happen. We had about two days worth of good weather, the kids were outside playing last Friday. Robbie decided to bring out the basketball hoop and play some ball. He threw the ball and instead of it going into the basket, it hit the window and broke it! What a way to start the holiday! I had my friend come and take a look, he suggested I replace the whole window. It is a good idea, the window is old, and very drafty. He is looking into prices for me, he and a friend would do the work for me. I don't know what I would do without him, thank goodness he has a wonderful wife who doesn't mind sharing him.
I took the girls for a haircut the other day, my hairdresser asked Helen how old she is now. Helen answered, straight faced, "29!" I said, "29! are you sure about that?" She shook her head yes. I keep asking her, and she still insists she is 29!
Until next time-
Take Care,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter from It'll Fit'll
Friday, March 26, 2010
Variety Show Acts
Until next time-
Take Care,
Friday, March 19, 2010
Variety Show
St. Patrick's Day landed on our busiest day of the week, so I put the food in the crock pot to cook. It turned out okay, but prefer the way my mom cooked it. I hope everyone enjoyed their day of being Irish!! The kids have been busy learning their Greek poems, the girls know theirs by heart, thanks to Papou. Now they sound Greek, when I read them the way the teacher's wrote them...not so much! They have practice tomorrow morning while the parents decorate. I'm hoping to escape for just a bit to run to the store to buy Robbie pants for the occasion. The girls are dressing in costume that we borrowed when they were dancing. The boys don't have a costume so they have to wear white dress shirts with navy blue pants. They wear navy blue pants for their school uniform, so I knew they had some. What I didn't know was that Robbie has holes in almost every single pair of pants, and the ones that don't have them, are too big. When we are done at the Greek church we have to run home and eat lunch real quick because then family is coming over to celebrate Robbie's birthday. His actual birthday isn't until Wednesday. I usually celebrate birthdays after their actual birthday, but the following week-end I'm going to see REO in concert, and then it's the spaghetti dinner at the kid's school. So it was either tomorrow, or not one at all. I need to run to the store and get party supplies, and I need to do that before it's time to pick Noah up from I better go!!
Until next time-
Take Care,
Friday, March 12, 2010
Busy Days Ahead
Helen has had awesome days at school, in fact, she now comes home and tells me how naughty Jack has been. The things she tells me he does, she used to do, that's the funny part. She explains how he got a sad face at recess because he pushed someone down and how the teacher told him not to touch his friends at school. Aaahhh...memories! I hope we have turned the corner, but I'm not holding my breath...she can really be a dickens at times.
I received an email the other day telling me now is the time to get Katie signed up for softball, and Grace was old enough to join the team. Grace right away said no, she doesn't want to play. I tried talking her into it, she's just not interested. Katie had to think about it, because she loves the practices just not the games! I don't know if you remember me talking about it last summer, but she was forever getting hit by the ball. She finally said one game, after she had been hit a couple times, "That ball just doesn't like me for some reason!" I guess it couldn't have been because she didn't keep her eye on it!! Hopefully this summer will be better for her.
Until next time-
Take Care,
Friday, March 5, 2010
Until next time-
Take Care,
Friday, February 26, 2010
"Fancy, Fancy"

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Helen Turned Ten

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Take Care,