Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Quick Note From Sue

The week-end flew by, we were quite busy. Ted and Robbie had a sleep over at Aunt Sherry's house with Evan, the girls, Noah and I had errands to run. I met with the man who is making the monument for Peter's grave, I think it will be beautiful. He is going to carve our picture into the stone instead of having a picture on a porcelain background. It should be completely done and installed by July at the latest, plenty of time before the one year anniversary.

I am having family and friends coming over on Saturday, I sent out invitations with RSVP regrets only and I haven't heard from anybody. They have until Wednesday to let me know, I probably just jinxed myself and will get a flood of calls tomorrow. I have a very busy week, I'm hoping I'll have enough time to get everything done. Helen has an appointment at Children's on Wednesday morning, it's just a check up with the Endocrinologist. We are switching from a doctor in Illinois to one at Children's, I hope it works out. Her medication needed to be adjusted and it turned into such a headache with the old doctor, her pediatrician finally took care of it. Helen has hypothyroidism, she was diagnosed a year ago, this is her first dose change. At first it was terrible getting her to take her medicine, now she's a big girl, hardly any issues.

Until next time-
Take Care,

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