Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What A Week

I am so exhausted and it's only Wednesday! This week is full of doctor and dentist appointments, what was I thinking!!?! On Monday Katie and Grace went to the dentist, Grace has two small cavities. Tuesday morning I took Helen into sick call because her nose is still gunky after two weeks. She has a sinus infection, again. The doctor put her on an antibiotic, she is already doing better. Today Grace had a field trip to the library, she told me Noah and I couldn't go. I asked her if it would be okay if we went, and she said, "No Mommy, it's just for me and my teachers and my friends, not for grown ups so you can't go." HA! She told me, didn't she! When I picked her up from school I asked her what parents had gone, she named all but three, I was one of the three. I said, "I could have gone after all", she said, "No Mommy, I told you, no grown ups could go!" I'd like to know what she thinks the other parents are if they're not grown ups!

Tonight was Greek school for Ted, Robbie, and Katie. Their last class is May 28th with graduation on June 1st. The teacher asked me if the kids would be there, I told her probably not because that is the one year anniversary of my mom passing away and there will be a mass for her. I don't think the teacher appreciated this, I received a blank look, I didn't quite understand. We missed the Greek school program which was in celebration of Greek Independence Day because it was our Easter, and now this. She's probably tired of this Catholic Mom who doesn't bring her Greek kids to these programs. My reasons are legitimate, but because they favor the Catholic side...I shouldn't think that way, I'm sure she understands. Helen had her last religion class for this session tonight. She got up in front of the whole school with her class (the other girl has DS, and the boy has Autism) and they signed the Our Father. Her teacher was smiling from ear to ear when she told me they did a wonderful job. Helen had perfect attendance so she was rewarded with a giant candy bar. The director told me it was big enough for the whole family, so Helen could share. I told her Helen is very good with sharing, until candy is involved, then forget it.

Tomorrow the boys have a dentist appointment, even Noah, and Grace is getting her cavities filled. Then on Friday, Grace has a doctor's appointment, her four year check up. I'm looking forward to Saturday, nothing is planned! I have no plans for Sunday either, I'm not looking forward to it. It was on Mother's Day two years ago that Peter was diagnosed with his brain tumor. Last year my mom was with me and we went to the nurseries and bought flowers for my yard. I told my brother earlier today, two people, two dogs, within two years, it has to get better for us. Thank you to my siblings for their support this past week, it has been difficult. Mickie died of cancer, Noah has asked me everyday where she goes on.

Until next time-
Take Care,

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