Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Questions About Jeans for Moms of Girls

We are very excited about our first production batch of jeans and launching the It'll Fit'll web site. It's all right around the corner....the web site will go live no later than October and the jeans production will be as soon as all of the details come together (for instance, the 4 inch zippers are challenging to locate!) Production will likely be next month.

Speaking of jeans details - that's the point of this post. Can the mothers of girls give me some perspective on a couple of questions about jeans details, please?

1 - We're thinking of using pink thread as the contrast thread on the girls jeans. You know that gold/orange contrast thread on jeans? Well, I thought using pink on the girls jeans would be cute and fun. Now I wonder if that's too specific and limiting and un-jeans-like. Moms, please let me know what you'd prefer.

2 - The back pockets - should they be decorated or not? Is plain, no stitching except around the pocket border (to attach it to the pant leg) too plain? Is a couple of horizontal lines of contrast stitching classic, perfect? If fancy stitching is preferred, what kind of design/stitching (examples of brand names would be great) do you like? In the future, would you like a line of jeans with a variety of pocket choices - some very ornately embroidered pocket fabric through very simple?

Those are two questions that I can't stop thinking about right now and any thoughts and comments that you can share would be a HUGE help to us. Please, please feel free to share any additional insights that you have about jeans or any other clothing item that you'd like to have available.

We're nearing the point that all that our dream is becoming reality, and we want to give you exactly what you want. So, please let us know what that is.



Carmen said...

Hi, My daughter, Emily (DS) is now 15 yrs old, and she would sooner go for the plain style with the yellow/gold over stitching. However, when she was younger, and I could choose her clothes, I would have chosen pink over stitching on jeans, but without the fancy embroidery on the pockets. She won't touch anything pink anymore!!!
Best wishes, Carmen.

Anonymous said...

Have you started manufacturing the clothes as yet if so what is the web page? esimmfra@cox.net

Anonymous said...

Hi, My daughter just turned 16 and she would love the pink stitching and the more bling on the pockets, the better. I just can't wait until we can order these jeans!