On Friday my siblings, Aunt, and Uncle came over to start going through my mom's things, it was a difficult night. The plan was for them to come over on Saturday also, about an hour before Katie's party so we could go through some more, that never happened. We talked a lot which made for a very slow moving process, and just the fact that it was difficult on all of us we decided to do it another time. I told Sherry I just started to go through Peter's clothes, and it's almost been a year, no need to rush things, I'm in no hurry to get my mom's things out of my basement.
Katie's party was very nice, she had a castle for her cake, Catherine did a very nice job. Yes, it was pink, inside and out, and delicious! I think this haircut she got has slightly matured her, there is something different about her that I can't explain. My friend Carmen gave her kid lip gloss and make-up bag for her birthday, she carries it all around the house and is constantly putting some on (she can't wear it outside of the house). She is definitely carrying herself differently these days, I'm so proud of her.
Sunday we went to our Church's festival, the kids had a good time. They raffled off baskets filled with various different things, like one basket was filled with movie theater type candy, another was a pampered chef theme, beanie babies, etc... Well, to make a long story short, we didn't win!!! Catherine, on the other hand, won TWO!!!!! Katie and Grace had their faces painted by Cuddles the Clown, she does one heck of a job, they looked incredible. Sherry and Evan spent the week-end with us, they had a Wisconsin getaway!!! It wasn't planned, it was very spontaneous, all the kids had a nice week-end with our company.
Yesterday Ted, Robbie, Katie, and Grace started Vacation Bible Camp at the Greek Church, they are having a good time. This is the first time Grace has done something like this, it's a good experience for her so when school starts she should have no issues. Helen is still in summer school, I think she has another two weeks left, she is still enjoying it (still getting smiley faces!!). Katie has been talking at camp, that is HUGE!! She refuses to talk at school, the teachers have suggested Select Mutism to me. I discussed this with her doctor, and at this point there is no concern, she feels Katie is just very shy, and I agree. Katie talking at camp is a big step for her, now I will have to see if she participates in the skit they will be putting on at church on Sunday, that will also be HUGE.
Last week the kids and I met my friend Irene at the Greek Monastery. We were blessed with a piece of the actual cross Jesus was crucified on. There has been proof that this piece of wood has healing power. Irene suggested we go for Helen's sake, because of the Celiac, but I have to wonder if it did something to Katie. Hmmmmmm... I'm glad we went, the church is absolutely gorgeous. Peter used to drive by it all the time while it was being built and couldn't wait until it was done so he could see inside. He was gone before it was finished, so I went in to see it for him. Last year at this time he was in the hospital with elevated blood sugar, he was in for a week. I really miss him.
Tonight I had a sales rep from Kirby vacuum come and give me a demonstration, anyone have one? They are very expensive, but according to him, it will be the last vacuum I ever purchase, plus, it shampoos too. I liked the fact that it got up all the dust and "gunk" from the floor, something my cheap vacuum doesn't do. Please give me your comments if you have one, should I go for it and invest? I apologize in advance to the seven people whose phone numbers I gave to the sales rep., I get money off for every person I listed (you will soon know who you are!).
Starting to prepare myself for the next two weeks.
Until next time-
Take Care,
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