My Children: left to right: Blythe, Alex, Evan.
I've been meaning to post this picture of Susie and her children for a couple of weeks - since I read Susie's post "Jilted By The Tooth Fairy", where she'd written about Katie getting lost at Helen's open house. Susie wrote of her relief that Katie greeted her with a smile when Susie showed up at the office to retrieve Katie. I smiled myself when I read that because I could envision Katie's radiant smile. And, I wished that you could all see Katie's smile as well. So, I borrowed this family picture from Susie so that I could scan and post it. Isn't this a happy, handsome family?
And as a proud mother I can't post a picture of nieces and nephews without posting a photo of my own wonderful children. So, there they are - in the second photo. I took this picture in St. Paul, Minnesota in June. Our summer vacation this year was to Minneapolis. I wasn't up to a huge extravaganza sort of vacation this summer, so I chose someplace interesting and relatively close to home (about a 6 hour drive.) Minneapolis and St. Paul were great! There was plenty to do - lots of museums and parks and a cool downtown in Minneapolis and the capital in St. Paul and the U. of Minnesota campus and a surprise festival we hadn't known about and - yes - the Mall of America. A number of charming bronze Peanuts characters are scattered among a couple of parks in St. Paul. Charles Schulz, who created Charlie Brown and his friends, was born in Minneapolis and grew up in St. Paul. I just love how Evan is offering some of his ice cream to Linus. It was a very hot and sunny day. That's why Linus's ice cream is melting, Alex is wearing sunglasses, and Blythe is squinting with one eye. I love this picture because I'm so crazy about my children and this was a happy time in the midst of my grief over Mom.
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Hi Susie and Sherry!!!
Absolutely love the pictures of ALL the little munchkins!
Sue, your family is just so very beautiful!
I know, we all get that, I do too, but I really mean it, in a special way.
Beauty is not just how we look in pictures. It shows in how our children love all their brothers and sisters. Even when they are mad with each other, they will be the first ones to defend them with their own life!
I remember my oldest daughter Aimee, being about 12 at the time, and decking a MUCH larger boy when he made fun of a man with Down Syndrome who was waiting for the bus. She said (I am para-phrasing as it was over 20 years ago!)"My little sister has Down Syndrome, and she might be taking the bus some day, and NO ONE is going to make fun of her if I have anything to say about it!!!, and that "GENTLEMAN" is better than you will ever be!!!"
Of course, this happened right by the school, and I had to come down to discuss the situation with the counselors. I was never more proud of my daughter than that day!
I am sure you will have many of those type of days. And I know you too will sing the praises of your kids as I did!
And Sherry, your children are so cute too! How very forunate you all are to have each other!!! My Laurie has her two older sisters, Aimee and Amanda, but no other cousins. She does have her two little nieces and one nephew who she loves so very much.
It is so wonderful that all your children can grow up together and be there for each other.
By the way, you must have a Charles Schulz Museum as well. Here in Santa Rosa we have a wonderful museum all about "Peanuts" and Charley Brown, Snoopy and all the Gang!
I just love reading your blogs, getting to know each and every one a little bit more each time.
Love you all lots!!!! Donna
Hi Donna Jean!
Thanks for your comment. I must say that I agree with you: we do have a bunch of cutie pies in the family. Susie and I have another niece and nephew - our brother John's children. They're great too! And we have been so lucky, as you say,that the cousins have all gotten along so well. That's largely, I think, because we all (Rick, I, John & Susie) live relatively close to each other and the kids have spent a lot of time together.
Your daughter Aimee sounds like a wonderful, wonderful sister. I can understand why you were (and are still, I'm sure) so proud of her.
Thanks again for your note and for keeping up with us on the blog. I'm glad to know that you are enjoying the entries.
Hi Sherry,
What a wonderful site! All three of your kids are adorable, and boy can I see the resemblance in your daughter.
Thanks, again, for your cards. My husband said he would certainly pass them along.
What a wonderful, thoughtful business you've created. I will easily be back to your site again.
p.s. Your sister's family is darling, as well. : )
Jadie! Hi!
Thanks so much for visiting our blog! And thanks for the kind words about my children and Susie's as well. They really are as sweet as they are cute (most days anyway....!) Please let your husband know that I appreciate him passing along our business cards. See you again soon!
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