Wonderful Husband, Terrific Dad...
It is okay to cry. Tears release the flood of sorrow of missing the one you love. Tears relieve the brut force of hurting, enabling us to "level off" and continue our cruise along the stream of life. Shedding tears is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of our human nature and emotions of deep despair and sorrow. It's okay to cry.
It is okay to heal. We do not need to "prove" that we loved the person who has died. As the months pass we are slowly able to move around with less outward grieving each day. We need not feel "guilty", for this is not an indication that we love less. It only means that, although we don't like it, we are learning to accept death and it's finality of the pain our loved one suffered. It's a healthy sign of healing. It's okay to heal.
It is okay to laugh. Laughter is not a sign of "less" grief. Laughter is not a sign of "less" love. It is a sign that many of our thoughts and memories are happy ones and our dear one would have wanted us to laugh again. It's okay to laugh.
Until next time-
Take Care,
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Hi Sue
I just came upon your blog through Google Alerts and didn't even know you had a blog. You and I met while in Kansas City in 07 at NDSC. We had booths next to each other...
I am praying for you today. I hope you can feel God's comfort and His protective arms around you and your children.
Hi Kristy,
Thank you for your prayers and kind words. I wasn't able to make it to the NDSC in Kansas City, that was my sister Sherry and niece Meghan that you met. I was attending my 25th High School Reunion. I should have gone to Kansas City, I probably would have had a much better time!
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