I really am not much in the mood to write a blog this evening. I logged onto my computer like I always do, after the kids are in bed, and was greeted with a comment that isn't sitting right with me. It blew the wind out of my sails. My support group,
Helen's teachers, and therapists from the start have referred to people with
DS in the same manner I did, so I didn't see anything wrong with it. Of course she is my daughter first and foremost, so are my other children, why do you think I have been fighting to survive this past year. It has been an emotional roller coaster with me and all of my children dealing with the huge loss of my husband/their dad. I can honestly say, no one has ever accused me of not putting
Helen first, and seeing only her disability. I have been her primary advocate since the day she was born, and I have done nothing but fight for her, and have been her voice on a number of occasions. My point of all of this is, not everyone uses the same terminology and I apologize to anyone I may have offended. I have changed the wording.
Thank you for letting me have my say.
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Sue -
Hi - I feel some responsibility that you received that comment on your blog, and I'm really sorry whatever was said made you feel that way. I posted a link to your blog on a message board because I thought that some parents on that board might be interested in your endeavor. Some took offense to the name of the site, and I'm guessing that someone from that board made the comment. Not sure, but the timing seems right.
While I do try to use people first language myself because I know it's important to some people, I'm certainly not offended by your site. And I don't think not using people first language should ever be considered by anyone as any indication that you don't put your daughter first or whatever was said.
I think it's very cool that your sister is creating this clothing line. My son with DS is 10 and still has no problem with "regular" clothes, but I have heard lots of complaints from parents over the years about that issue, so I hope this will be well received.
Hope today was a better one!
Tamara Rampold
Thank you Tamara for your kind words. Please don't feel sorry for sending so many to our blog, Sherry and I appreciate it. It's a shame that I was personally attacked. I changed my terminology so as not to offend anyone else. As for the name of the company, it is near and dear to our hearts, and we won't be changing that anytime soon. It'll Fit'll (It Will Fit Well), suits us just fine!
It wasn't the name of your company; it was the name of your blog. I guess you were supposed to call it www.clothesforpeoplewithdownsyndrome.blogspot.com ... :-)
Have a great day!
Tamara, hi.
Susie and I do very much appreciate your posting the link to our blog on the message board. It increased our blog traffic and we received many positive and encouraging messages via email.
Thanks for your supportive message to Susie and for your explanation about where that mean, accusatory message may have come from. It's ironic that folks with a people first perspective treated the person who is my sister - an amazing and devoted mother - so unkindly.
The name of the blog is simply an easy-to-remember phrase that combines key Internet search engine terms. Anyone who reads ill will or bad intent into that blog name is simply and sorely mistaken.
Tamara, thanks again for your kindnesses.
Warm regards - Sherry.
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